(Credit: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) (CBS News) NEW YORK - By now, Americans know that Mitt Romney is a successful businessman, Massachusetts' former governor and the driving force behind the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics. What they might not know is that he loves peanut butter sandwiches, is a fan of Jersey Shore's Snooki and wants Gene Hackman to play him in a movie.
Those were just a few of the personal details revealed in a light-hearted interview with ABC's Live! with Kelly and Michael, which taped on Friday morning in New York but won't air until next week. Romney and his wife, Ann, sat for an interview with the show's hosts, Kelly Ripa and former New York Giant Michael Strahan (who recently replaced Regis Philbin), after the Republican nominee pulled in more than $4 million at a Manhattan fundraiser.
Though most of the interview was soft in tone, Romney was asked to name an area in which he agrees with President Obama. He cited the decision to take out Osama bin Laden and the importance that both men place on family.
"I think he's a fine husband and father, and I think the role model for our nation of being a good father is a very good thing. I appreciate that," Romney said. "We're concerned about schools and health care and I think the budget. We go about these things in different ways. We have different approaches to those things."
During the program's final segment, the hosts fired off a round of rapid-fire questions asking everything from the couple's guilty pleasures are (doughnuts for Ann, peanut butter sandwiches and chocolate milk for Mitt) to which of them hogs the blankets in bed (it's Ann, according to her husband. But for the record, he snores).
When asked to describe an embarrassing moment, Ann Romney told the story of staying overnight at the White House when George W. Bush was in office. While exploring the premises, she happened to walk in on Bush as he was having a massage.
"He was covered up, but I was so embarrassed that the next time I did see him I didn't know what I was going to say to him," she recalled. As it turned out, it was Bush who broached the subject first. "He looks at me and he winks as he does and says, 'I look pretty good, don't I?'"
Other tidbits the couple divulged: their favorite TV show is Modern Family. Both prefer the iPhone to the BlackBerry. Mitt does not sing in the shower, but does when riding horseback. And the Republican nominee is "kind of a Snooki fan."
"Look how tiny's she's gotten," Romney said of the Jersey Shore star's weight loss. "She's lost weight. She's energetic. Just her spark-plug personality is kind of fun."
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