(CBS News) ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. - It was an emotional homecoming for Rep. Paul Ryan on Sunday. The Wisconsin congressman wiped away tears as thousands cheered for the native son, now the Republican nominee for vice president.
"My veins run with cheese, bratwurst, and a little Spotted Cow, Leiney's, and some Miller," Ryan said.
Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney announced Ryan as his running mate Saturday.
(Click the player at left to see Romney and Ryan's first joint interview, with CBS News' Bob Schieffer.Not only in Wisconsin, but at every stop they made, team Romney/Ryan drew overflow crowds. Ryan's nomination refocused the race onto substance, and it brought out a new energy in Romney, who took aim at President Obama.
60 Minutes: Romney and Ryan: The first interview
Who is Paul Ryan?
Special Section: Romney's vice presidential choice
"Mr. President, take your campaign out of the gutter," Romney said. "Let's talk about the real issues that America faces."
For his part, the president welcomed Ryan to the race, and then returned fire.
(Click on the player at left to see Mr. Obama's remarks)"My opponent and Congressman Ryan and their allies in Congress, they all believe that if we just get rid of more regulations on big corporations and we give more tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans, it will lead to jobs and prosperity to everybody else," Mr. Obama said.
The Obama campaign made its strategy clear - quickly trying to connect Romney to Ryan's plan to dramatically cut the budget, reign in spending and reform Medicare.
Ryan's plan would replace the current system with a voucher program that critics argue could leave seniors paying more.
But Republicans were ready for the attack, saying they were trying to save Medicare before it goes bust and blaming the president for Medicare cuts.
"He stole $700 billion from Medicare to fund Obamacare," Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus said Sunday on "Meet the Press."
"If any person in this entire debate has blood on their hands in regard to Medicare, it's Barack Obama. He's the one that's destroying Medicare," argued Priebus

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